Thursday, 25 April 2019

Fixing His Eyes: What Paul Saw

I am very excited that Jen Barker, founder and moderator of the Australian blog 'Fixing Her Eyes', has published a piece I did recently:

Great leadership is like dew falling...

"Like dew falling on Mount Hermon" is a classic quote which many may have heard.
It comes from the Psalms, which are full of nature - trees, streams, mountains, and still waters.
God has set all things in motion, the cycles of rain, growth, falling leaves, and new saplings pushing through the undergrowth of the shady wood, continues under His care.

It is true that humans have intervened and interrupted nature yet all is not lost.
"Like dew falling on Mount Hermon" is a picture of refreshment when brother and sisters live and work together in harmony (Psalm 133), and this is good for the souls of us all.

Does this mean that there are no 'roles', no leaders, no-one guiding anymore?
Not at all, for there are structures and layers of leaders, team players, higher managers and entry-level workers.  Yet, harmony means respect, care, concern and a diligence flowing from the leadership to assist workers of all kinds and of all levels be the best they can be.

What got me thinking about all this was the ABC radio program "Life Matters", where Ashley Goodall, co-author of 'Nine Lies About Work', is grappling with the issue of life-work balance.  It is definitely worth a listen:

Many of us - myself especially recently - have observed that leadership is what "makes or breaks" a workplace, organisation, and even church.  Goodall says that "the job of a leader is to cascade purpose throughout the organisation" - every week, every day, and in every way.

This is a picture of refreshment:  for people to come to know that they are intentionally doing something worthwhile - from washing up and cleaning, to financial concerns, or saving lives - is vital.  Leadership that is clear on where it is going, WILL get somewhere!  And that 'somewhere' is the goal of the group, company or association.

For Christians, the goal of church is to glorify Jesus Christ and be attractive so that others want Him too.  What could be more inviting than leaders who refresh people, and who 'cascade' the purposes of our loving, guiding and pursuing God upon those they care for?

I am challenged to be that sort of person - that sort of leader - in any small way that I can.
What about you?

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Eastertide 2019: Sometimes silence...

Easter is here!  A season of joy, renewal and praising God for what Jesus did for salvation.

Did you make time this past Lent to read God's word regularly?
Have you feasted on the emotions of the Passion, and are now filled with joy as, with the disciples, see that Jesus is risen, alive for evermore?
Does it make you breathless in wonder at how the disciples 'missed' what Jesus had be saying all along?

Jesus said many things to the disciples as he walked with them.
They travelled the road of Galilee, and they discussed the Scriptures that they had been schooled in as good Jewish boys.

The gospels tell us that Jesus often withdrew to the lonely places. Solitude and silence formed a part of the whole.  Ministry among the multitudes was not forgotten as Jesus quietly prayed.
Jesus neither idolised silence nor denied the need for reflection and quieting of mind, body and spirit.

Jesus blew their minds with talk of having to suffer and die. Peter famously rebuked Jesus for this negativity, yet Jesus knew who he was, and why he had come.
And Jesus understood that he spoke the words of God.

George Fox encouraged the Friends to "Tremble at the Word of God".
Jesus has spoken, in word, and in deed. Let us take time to contemplate this.
Let's make sure that we have space to inwardly 'tremble' at the magnificence of what Jesus has accomplished for our salvation as we enjoy the season of Easter.

+ + +
And silence, then -
Trust breathes.

God is not in the earthquake
or the whirlwind
But, the stillness - 
Can you hear?

When he walked by Galilee
He saw them:  ruddy fishers,
As they hauled and swore.
And silence, then - 
He called them.

Breathless trust, as silent
runners towards a tomb but
He's not there.
And silence.
Then, they would slowly understand.

(c) JCV 24-09-2018