Monday, 16 May 2016

Writing Celtic Prayers for the Australian Landscape (2)

Writing Celtic Prayers for the Australian Landscape, workshop with Judy Kennedy, held on Saturday 14 May 2016, at "The Old Friary" - Brookfield Centre for Spirituality, Brookfield (Brisbane suburb), Queensland. 

More of my offerings:

Peace of still brown waterhole,
Peace of strong tall coolabah,
Peace of grassy gully bank -
Peace to you
Peace to me
Peace to all.

Peace of green in desert barren
Peace of growth in drought so bare
Peace of shade in harshest sunlight -
Our great God who all has made
Lead us by your streams of water, into gullies, brown and wide;
Puddles deep flow into rivers -
God revive us with your love.

God of coolibahs, knarled and shady.
God of gullies, brown and still.
God of waterholes, deep and hidden -
May we seek your shade and cool.
May we rest on your green creek-banks,
May we know your peace and love.
May the Trinity enfold us -
God eternal, Three in One.  Amen.

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