Writing Celtic Prayers for the Australian Landscape, workshop with Judy Kennedy, held on Saturday 14 May 2016, at "The Old Friary" - Brookfield Centre for Spirituality, Brookfield (Brisbane suburb), Queensland. judyatpilgrimsplace@hotmail.com
More of my offerings:
Peace of still brown waterhole,
Peace of strong tall coolabah,
Peace of grassy gully bank -
Peace to you
Peace to me
Peace to all.
Peace of green in desert barren
Peace of growth in drought so bare
Peace of shade in harshest sunlight -
Our great God who all has made
Lead us by your streams of water, into gullies, brown and wide;
Puddles deep flow into rivers -
God revive us with your love.
God of coolibahs, knarled and shady.
God of gullies, brown and still.
God of waterholes, deep and hidden -
May we seek your shade and cool.
May we rest on your green creek-banks,
May we know your peace and love.
May the Trinity enfold us -
God eternal, Three in One. Amen.
Beautifully written words Jo.