Friday, 14 April 2017

Paradoxical Life in Death, Part I

There is life in death.  Yes – IN death.  

When the old makes way for the new, as a tree falls, and other ones take its place.

The dead or dying tree has life IN it – it has organisms, from the microscopic bacterium 
to the ‘macro’ animals and birds that have used it for food, shelter, reproduction and fun.

From rotting bark and release of nutrients, comes a smell – pungent or pleasant, 
it is part of the process.  

Where a tree falls, it crushes somethings, destroys somethings, 
and yet makes a pathway for life of other things.

On the dead trunk and in the rotting leaves and branches, mushrooms, microbes, fungi, ferns and flowers grow.  Things that have not been able to reach the sun are given light.  
And there is life.  In the decay – in the death, comes something new.  

Even the same species which is allowed to flourish with the passing of this old tree, is not the “same”.  It is unique, it has survived waiting in the shadows and now its time has come.

What “trees” of inner strength or independence or pride are blocking 
the possibility of new growth in my life?

What stinks the stink of decay in my soul that is necessary for new life to begin?

Am I willing to let the old go, and allow different and new to grow in Christ-likeness?

What is Jesus requiring of me as I follow Him this Lenten season of repentance, 
that I may be more like Him?

I love my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ – “born of the Virgin Mary, suffered and died 
under Pontius Pilate, was dead, buried and descended to the grave; on the third day God raised Him from the dead and now He is seated at the right hand of God, 
from where He will come again to judge the living and the dead….”
 – and I want to live FOR Him.

In my large and small inner deaths, there will be a rising again to new LIFE 
because that is the good and perfect plan of God for all who trust in Jesus.

The old hymn “My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine; for thee all the pleasures of sin I resign…” is a prayer and a purpose for me in my Christian life.
What about you?

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